CAGE supports Anti-Colonial and Pro-Palestine networks commitment to challenge fight far-right surge in France

Paris - A network of leading Pro-Palestine, Anti-Islamophobia, Anti-Racism and Anti-Colonial organisations have issued a united stance against the overwhelming far-right victory in France’s legislative elections, vowing to strengthen coordination and signalling their intent to work together in defence of their communities. The statement, which CAGE International contributed towards, is signed by Urgence Palestine, Perspectives Musulmanes, le Parti des Indigènes de la République, in addition to 23 other organisations.
This statement is the first coordinated civil society response following the dissolution of the French Parliament. The results of the first round of the French snap legislative elections saw the sweeping victory of the far-right National Rally and its allies. The upcoming second round on July 7, is expected to deliver the unprecedented result of an absolute majority for the far-right in the French Parliament. This would pave the way for Jordan Bardella, the president of the National Rally to form a government for the first time in their history.
The statement outlines:
“Across France, we are calling for the building of anti-colonial, anti-racist and anti-Zionist processions in mobilisations, for the strengthening of our organisations and coordination between our collectives, and the intensification of our struggles, as only our autonomous struggles and solid alliances will guarantee us the strength required to defeat colonialism, fascism, Islamophobia, negrophobia, romophobia, anti-Semitism and anti-Asian racism in order to achieve the complete liberation of our communities and peoples.”
For the full statement in French:
List of signatories:
Urgence Palestine
Perspectives Musulmanes
Parti des Indigènes de la République
Ka Ubuntu
Free Palestine Guyane
CAGE International
La Question Noire
Collectif de Défense et de la Souveraineté des Comores
Marche des Solidarités
Union des Démocrates Musulmans Français
StopTotal Paris
Les Panthères des Ministères
Collectif Ivryen contre la Loi Séparatisme
Fondation Frantz Fanon
Collectif Jeunes du 93
Action Justice Climat Lyon
Action Justice Climat Montpellier
Collectif Attariq - Les musulmans anticapitalistes
Une Idée dans la Tête
Les Soulèvements de la Terre
Enfants d’Afghanistan et d’ailleurs d’ailleurs
En Gare Montreuil
Media Tess
Vivre Ensemble Solidaires en Métropole Tourangelle (VESEMT 37)
Action Antifasciste Le Havre / Riposte Antifa 76
Union Juive Française pour la Paix (UJFP)
Raccoon Kai Boxing Club
Mobilizasyon Nèg Mawon Doubout (collectif antillais contre le colonialisme)
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