Criminalising Non-Violent Organisations: CAGE submission to the UK Government review of the Muslim Brotherhood
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In the following brief, CAGE contributes to the UK Government’s review of the Muslim Brotherhood by highlighting a number of key concerns.
First, the brief challenges the central charge prompting this review, that the Muslim Brotherhood might be an extremist organisation. Second, the brief questions the Government’s definitions of what constitutes ‘extremism’ and ‘violent extremism’ and its insistence on conflating the two terms. Third, the brief raises concerns relating to the integrity of the review and the efficacy of its potential outcomes.
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2014 - This report was a response to the UK government's designation of the Muslim Brotherhood as ‘extremist'. By outlining how the MB has been in dialogue with the UK government at different times in history, and how it has been supportive of and participatory in democracy, the report underlines deep problems with the label 'extremism' as it is politically applied.