Families of prisoners say scrapping early release is ‘unjust’ collective punishment: CAGE

London - Families who would be impacted by announcements to retrospectively scrap early release of individuals convicted of terrorism offences, have told CAGE that it is a form of collective punishment that will have a lasting negative impact.
‘Mohammed’, a family man, who's brother will be impacted by this new law told CAGE:
“After my brother’s sentencing we were left with a sense of hope that he would be released for good behaviour and continue with his life, to carry on with his studies. This law will impact us all, in particular my mother who relied on him emotionally.” “It is unjust and unfair to paint all convicted people with the same brush: every case is unique. I understand something needs to be done, but each case must be looked at individually."
‘Abdullah’, a successfully self employed father, who was released following a terrorism conviction said:
"If someone has ideas that must change, he needs opportunities to freely interact with people who are independent. Currently, it's clear the interventionists are only in it for the money." "Also, the probation process is a lot of pressure. This was unhelpful, and at times led me to think: “they are just trying to break me". It should be about rehabilitation." "It’s only when my conditions were completely removed that I was able to get my life back to normality, do courses and work.” “The authorities must be seen to manage the risk, but they need to look at things rationally, not simply seek to please the public and media.”
CAGE spokesperson Cerie Bullivant said:
"More than 20 years of failed War on Terror policies have created a two-tier justice system. As well as Muslims experiencing the brunt of the use of secret evidence, the deploying of citizenship stripping, Prevent, house arrest (TPIMS) and proportionally longer sentences, now the government is introducing a further measure: scrapping the right to early release.” “Such policies are a move away from rehabilitation to purely punitive measures. If the government is concerned about keeping the public safe, then it should reflect over the last two decades of failed and draconian terrorism laws that have eroded due process. Violating human rights laws and continuing with the same policies that have led us here will not lead to solutions.” "In our most recent report, ‘Beyond Prevent’, we outline an 8-point plan that can be a basis to building a healthy and safe society, free from discriminatory security policies, where communities are empowered, rather than criminalised." cc image courtesy of mrgarethm on Flikr
‘Mohammed’, a family man, who's brother will be impacted by this new law told CAGE:
“After my brother’s sentencing we were left with a sense of hope that he would be released for good behaviour and continue with his life, to carry on with his studies. This law will impact us all, in particular my mother who relied on him emotionally.” “It is unjust and unfair to paint all convicted people with the same brush: every case is unique. I understand something needs to be done, but each case must be looked at individually."‘Abdullah’, a successfully self employed father, who was released following a terrorism conviction said:
"If someone has ideas that must change, he needs opportunities to freely interact with people who are independent. Currently, it's clear the interventionists are only in it for the money." "Also, the probation process is a lot of pressure. This was unhelpful, and at times led me to think: “they are just trying to break me". It should be about rehabilitation." "It’s only when my conditions were completely removed that I was able to get my life back to normality, do courses and work.” “The authorities must be seen to manage the risk, but they need to look at things rationally, not simply seek to please the public and media.”CAGE spokesperson Cerie Bullivant said:
"More than 20 years of failed War on Terror policies have created a two-tier justice system. As well as Muslims experiencing the brunt of the use of secret evidence, the deploying of citizenship stripping, Prevent, house arrest (TPIMS) and proportionally longer sentences, now the government is introducing a further measure: scrapping the right to early release.” “Such policies are a move away from rehabilitation to purely punitive measures. If the government is concerned about keeping the public safe, then it should reflect over the last two decades of failed and draconian terrorism laws that have eroded due process. Violating human rights laws and continuing with the same policies that have led us here will not lead to solutions.” "In our most recent report, ‘Beyond Prevent’, we outline an 8-point plan that can be a basis to building a healthy and safe society, free from discriminatory security policies, where communities are empowered, rather than criminalised." cc image courtesy of mrgarethm on FlikrDownload Files