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France launches widespread raids on Muslims ahead of Olympics

June 18, 2024

Paris - France has unleashed a series of violent police raids against the Muslim community under the pretext of protecting national security during the Olympics. Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin announced in a message sent to all prefects that all measures should be taken to limit the ‘capacity to cause trouble’ and to keep the most dangerous individuals monitored by the services ‘away from events’. 

Darmanin has also outlined a system of detection and obstruction targeting all Muslims who find themselves on the ever-expanding snooping files, supposedly for “radicalisation for terrorist purposes” (FSPRT). More than 5,100 Muslims will be closely monitored. Prefects are required to establish interventionary measures “of any kind” for ‘any target’ registered in the aforementioned file. These include raids, house arrests and imprisonments.

In line with the ‘Al Capone’ strategy of pressure policing, any alleged or perceived infraction is to be pursued and used to justify state intervention. CAGE and other organisations have received numerous testimonies of violent raids carried out against innocent Muslims. 250 Muslims were raided in Paris alone.

Rayan Freschi, Researcher for CAGE International, said:

“Police use extreme violence to terrorise the victims of these raids, through deliberate destruction of doors, furniture and belongings in addition to physical brutality. The state used similar tactics between November 2015 and February 2016, a period during which thousands of Muslim families were violently raided as a form of collective punishment for the ISIS-inspired attacks in France that year. These tactics seek to discipline and silence Muslims by spreading paralysing fear amongst an entire community.”

Photo by ev on Unsplash

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France launches widespread raids on Muslims ahead of Olympics
Statements & Press Releases
France launches widespread raids on Muslims ahead of Olympics
Statements & Press Releases