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France Targets Leading Pro-Palestine Activist for Opposing Genocide

September 23, 2024

Paris – Leading pro-Palestine activist Elias d’Imzalène, a long-time campaigner against French Islamophobia, is now facing state persecution for expressing support for Palestine. He has been reported to the public prosecutor following remarks made at a rally that angered pro-Zionist media and officials, and which led to political pressure for his arrest. Unsurprisingly, the Paris Prosecutor's Office gave in to these demands and announced an investigation for incitement to "hatred," "violence," and "crimes against the fundamental interests of the nation." 

Unsurprisingly, the Paris Prosecutor's Office gave in to these demands and announced an investigation for incitement to "hatred," "violence," and "crimes against the fundamental interests of the nation." This is in  a country that encourages a so called satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo to publish the most vile, abusive and defamatory anti Muslim content on the planet , at the same time the political establishment applies a double standard to any dissent against the genocide supported by the French state.

This case is the latest example of the French state's ongoing efforts to silence dissenting Muslim voices by any means necessary. The state's actions form part of a broader psychological campaign aimed at silencing, subjugating, and controlling the entire Muslim community. Elias, like Abdourahmane Ridouane and Imam Ismail, is being persecuted for publicly opposing genocide and Islamophobia.

Rayan Freschi, a researcher for CAGE International, stated:  

"We fully support Elias d’Imzalène. Despite an ongoing political crisis in France, the state continues its targeting of Muslim community organisations and leaders unabated.  

We are witnessing how condemning the genocide in Gaza and exposing its enablers is becoming criminalised. Statements of solidarity are being deliberately misconstrued to justify politicised prosecutions under the guise of incitement or undermining national security."

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France Targets Leading Pro-Palestine Activist for Opposing Genocide
Statements & Press Releases
France Targets Leading Pro-Palestine Activist for Opposing Genocide
Statements & Press Releases