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Khutbah on 1 Year of Resistance to Israeli Genocide

October 4, 2024

Dear brothers & sisters, today, we reflect on a full year since the events of October 7, 2023, a defining chapter in Palestine’s history. The events of that day carry profound consequences for this Ummah. One year on, we stand at a critical juncture where our unity, faith, and willpower must be stronger than ever, in the midst of a live-streamed genocide Israel has exacted against Gaza. It is a time to reaffirm trust in Allah and renew our commitment to resist Israel until justice is achieved.

The Right to Resist

The right to resist oppression, tyranny and injustice is not just a human right but it is a duty upon us:

“Oh believers! Patiently endure, persevere, stand on guard, and be mindful of Allah, so that you may be successful” (Surah ‘Ali Imran 3:200)

We must situate ourselves within the grand narrative of resistance which has existed in the Muslim world for centuries.

As the Zionists continue their brutal oppression, their humiliation and punishment is already in motion, only through the sacrifices of the believers. Don’t think that this suffering has been in vain; it is embedded with the promise of Allah’s victory. The world will bear witness to this.

Al-Aqsa - The Heart of the Struggle

At the heart of this struggle is Al-Aqsa. Its desecration and the imprisonment of thousands of Palestinians remind us that this struggle is not just about land—it is about the dignity and freedom of our Ummah. In the Battle of Badr, a few Muslims stood firm against a large army:

“The Day We will strike with the greatest assault, indeed, We will take retribution.” (Surah Ad-Dukhan, 44:16)

Just as the arrogant Quraysh were defeated at Badr, so too will the Zionist regime. The Qur’an comes alive when it is witnessed in life—this oppression is destined to end, by Allah.

Endurance and Hope in Times of Hardship

For decades, our Ummah has faced oppression, loss of dignity, and immense hardship. No matter how painful, we cannot close our eyes and turn away from the suffering of our brothers and sisters. In their time of need, it is our duty to see, to listen, and then to respond. 
Despite the pain, do not lose heart. Allah provides moments of hope, moments that uplift the spirits of the believers. The strength of the Palestinian resistance, and in the global rise of protests and activism against the Zionist entity are signs from Allah to continue forwards.

“If you are suffering hardship, so are they; but you hope from Allah what they do not hope.” (Surah An-Nisa, 4:104)

Allah reminds us that while hardship is universal, our hope in His justice differentiates us from the oppressors. The zionists may have media and political impunity, but their dominance is eroding. Allah’s law is clear—arrogance will fall. We have to have belief in this Truth to inspire an Ummah of victory and action.

Lessons from History—Divine Will (Qadr) Will Win

History teaches us that material success is temporary, shifting hands from one civilisation to another. Allah reminds us that worldly victories are always subject to His decree. In the Battle of Uhud, the Muslims faced defeat because of a material cause:

“But then you faltered, disputed about the command, and disobeyed after He showed you that which you love.” (Surah ‘Ali Imran, 3:152)

Victory or defeat is determined by Allah’s will and our spiritual strength. Our fight against Zionist oppression requires both material and spiritual efforts. Raise your voice, act, give charity, and raise awareness for Palestine. Be willing to sacrifice—this is true activism.

Be United, Defiant against Oppression, until Justice Prevails

One year on from October 7, unity among the Ummah is essential:

“And hold fast, together, to the Rope of Allah, and do not be divided among yourselves.” (Surah ‘Ali Imran, 3:103)

The cause of Palestine concerns all Muslims. We must resist all forms of normalisation with Israel and oppose any process that aims to abandon Palestine. Just like the Companions at Badr; united, resilient, unwavering. If you hesitated before, then know that your voice is part of the resistance:

“Whoever among you sees evil, change it by your hand; if you cannot, then with your tongue; and if not, then with your heart—and this is the weakest of faith.” (Muslim 49)

We may not all be on the ground to save lives in Gaza, but we can all raise awareness. This is our duty as Muslims, and the least we can do. Corruption and tyranny will not last forever:

“If Allah did not drive some people back by means of others, the earth would have been corrupted.” (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:251)

History shows that when corruption peaks, Allah sends His intervention. The Zionist regime will meet its destiny with the Laws of Allah. We may not be able to hasten this, but we must remain steadfast that their time is limited. Allah’s justice will prevail.

Public Du’a for Victory in Palestine 

Oh Allah grant victory to our brothers and sisters in Palestine…alleviate their suffering, grant them patience, and strengthen their hearts… Remove the oppressors from their positions of power and restore justice to Palestine. Unite the Ummah, O Allah, and grant us steadfastness and victory…

“O Allah, strengthen the oppressed, grant them victory over their enemies, and purify the hearts of the believers.” (Surah At-Tawbah, 9:14-15)

Final Statement - Call to Action

Brothers and sisters, leave her today with renewed faith and determination. Support Palestine, resist injustice, and trust in Allah’s promise. The liberation of Palestine is coming, inshaAllah, and it is our duty to be part of this resistance. For that, we have to sacrifice for the sake of justice.

CC Image courtesy of Wasfi Akab on Flikr

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Khutbah on 1 Year of Resistance to Israeli Genocide
Khutbah on 1 Year of Resistance to Israeli Genocide