Pakistan’s Military Junta – enemies of the people

Islamabad - Pakistani police and security forces launched a massive crackdown on thousands of supporters of jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan in Islamabad on November 26 after they refused to call off a protest march demanding his release. The number of dead and wounded in the massacre is in the hundreds despite concerted attempts to cover up the massacre.
Pakistan has once again highlighted its role as a client state of the West - the country’s army is a lethal killing machine acting solely to further the interests of the western alliance headed up by the UK, USA, and EU . Pakistani generals have always collaborated with US imperialist objectives . As part of the War on Terror, Pakistan facilitated the invasion of Afghanistan and the Army unleashed a brutal wave of horror against its own population– carrying out extra judicial killings , imprisonment without due process and hangings on a scale unparalleled in its history.
Imran Khan was deposed because he has consistently condemned Pakistan's role as a garrison state for the West .
Although formal Pakistani independence was achieved in 1947, the legacy of imperialism persists. Political and military elites have acted as proxies, serving Western geopolitical interests. In return, these elites despite their vicious crimes and corruption are protected and elevated by the West.
The betrayal and treason of the dictatorships in the Muslim world is part of the neocolonial infrastructure built by The Five Eyes Alliance; an integral piece of the U.S. led military-industrial complex. The willingness to slaughter civilian populations is a feature of this unholy alliance. In August 2013, following General Sisi's military coup against Morsi, his regime, according to Human Rights Watch, was responsible for the killing of at least 904 protesters in Egypt, including 817 in Rabaa Square and 87 in al-Nahda Square.
We have witnessed how the armies of these vassal states collaborate with Israel to carry out its genocide of the Palestinian population in the occupied territories.
The hypocrisy and double standards which has eviscerated the international rules-based order continues to destroy and oppress entire populations living in the Muslim majority countries . The embers of the Arab Spring still burn as does the simmering resentment of the Pakistani people . It is only a matter of time that the populations will overthrow the choke of western imperialism held in place by their client elites .
The support for Imran Khan by the majority of the Pakistani population is an indication that the continuing brutality, oppression and murder of populations will come to an end as the call for justice, basic freedoms and independence grows as it cannot be thwarted forever.
Image from @AnwarLodhi
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