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CAGE International

Forging partnerships, coordinating action, making change.
Challenging securitisation

Building Power across Continents

Across the globe, state policy continues to develop and entrench the paradigm of securitisation of Muslim communities. CAGE International exists to monitor and draw attention to the excesses of such policies and also provide support to beleaguered Muslim minorities across the globe.

Our unique form of independent power-building, combined with our links to hundreds of allied organisations means our work has expanded globally.

We adapt to different contexts. Even in countries where conditions are unfavourable, we default to our public interest role of bearing witness to justice, and support others to do the same.

What we do

WE Train

We educate and train partner NGO's on how to challenge Islamophobic laws and policies.


We provide NGOs with the tools to challenge the targeting of their communities.


We bring together NGO's to pressure  and raise awareness of matters impacting Muslim minorities.

WE Mobilise

We partner with NGO's across the globe to mobilise communities to make change.


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WE Speak

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WE Research

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WE Mobilise

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monthly policy briefings

Each month, CAGE analysts will provide briefings on important policy developments of key EU nations relating to counter-terrorism and national security policies. The briefings are designed to be short, indispensable references for activists, academics and others interested in keeping up to date with the proliferation of War on Terror-era policies worldwide.