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Prevent, Islamophobia and Civil Liberties national conference

May 24, 2016

Date: Saturday 4 June 2016, Time: 11am – 6pm, Venue: Goldsmiths College, Professor Stuart Hall Building, London, SE14 6NW. This conference will examine the implementation of PREVENT and the Prevent duty across different sectors since the passing of the Counter-terrorism and Security Act 2015. It aims to build on the growing opposition to the duty which has seen lecturers, teachers, lawyers, students, and community organisations come together and call for the act to be repealed.

The conference has been initiated by Students Not Suspects campaign, and a coalition of individuals and organisations including signatories to the public letter of opposition to PREVENT in the Guardian earlier this year:  Prevent isn’t making anyone safer. It is demonising Muslims and damaging the fabric of trust in society


 Conference Programme:

  11-12.30 Opening Plenary – PREVENT, Islamophobia and Civil Liberties Facilitated by Nadine Almanasfi, President KCLSU –       Arun Kundnani author, The Muslims are Coming  –       Rahmaan Mohammadi, student, ‘Palestine badge case’ –       Gareth Peirce, human rights lawyer –       Malia Bouattia, NUS Black Students’ Campaign   12.30-1.45pm Sessions:

  1. PREVENT and the assault on learning

Facilitated by Nadine El-Enany, Educators Not Informants –       Alex Kenny, NUT Executive  –       Ifhat Smith, parent of ‘eco-terrorism’ case –       AbdoolKarim Vakil, Kings College London –       Shelly Asquith, NUS VP Welfare  

  1. A Lost Decade – What is PREVENT preventing?

Facilitated by Gholam Khiabany, Goldsmiths College –       Arun Kundnani, author –       Rizwaan Sabir, Liverpool John Moores University –       Liz Fekete, Institute of Race Relations –       Jahan Mahmood, former Home Office counter terrorism adviser  

  1. PREVENT as an attack on dissent

Facilitated by Kevin Blowe, NETPOL –       David Miller, Spinwatch –       Karma Nabulsi, Oxford University –       Rachel H, Defend the Right to Protest –       Chris Nineham, Stop the War Coalition  

  1. PREVENT, Islamophobia and the stigmatisation of Muslim women

Facilitated by Rup Pahar, London Campaign Against Police and State Violence (LCAPSV) –       Mariya Hussain, KCLSU VP Education-elect –        Zlakha Ahmed, Apna Haq  –       Amrit Wilson, South Asia Solidarity Group   1.45-2.15 Lunch break   2.15pm – 3.45pm Sessions: Getting organised  

  1. Legal Strategies and know your rights –

Facilitated by Milly Williamson, Brunel UCU Haras Ahmed, Prevent Watch Vajahat Sharif, criminal litigator & Bindmans consultant  

  1. HE –making our opposition effective

Facilitated by Noha Abou El Magd, Bristol SU –        Patricia McManus, UCU NEC –        Shuwanna Aaron, Edinburgh University –        Des Freedman, Goldsmiths UCU –       Yusuf Hassan, FOSIS  

  1. Connecting together – Building community and regional networks

Facilitated by Waqas Tufail, Leeds Beckett University –       Irfan Raja, Waltham Forest Council of Mosques –       Rob Ferguson, Newham Stand up to Racism –       Caroline Russell, Green Party Councilor –       Samayya Afzal, Women’s and Liberation Officer Bradford University  

  1. Defending health, welfare and equalities from the security state

Facilitated by Rachel Williams, KCLSU VP Welfare and Community  –       Dereck Summerfield, BJPsych Bulletin –       Suman Fernando, Royal College of Psychiatrists –       Dr Siema IqbalGP, Manchester –       Health student tbc   4pm-5.30pm PREVENT, Islamophobia and Institutional Racism Facilitated by Hannah Dee, Defend the Right to Protest/Students Not Suspects –       Arzu Merali, Islamic Human Rights Commission –       Maz Saleem, daughter of late Mohammed Saleem –       Dr Jim Wolfreys, KCL author Republic of Islamophobia: The Rise of Respectable Racism in France (forthcoming 2017) Moazzam Begg, Former Guantanamo prisoner and Outreach Director CAGE Yasser Louati, Collective Against Islamophobia in France Yasmin Qureshi, MP Bolton South East  

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<em><strong>Date: Saturday 4 June 2016, Time: 11am – 6pm, Venue: Goldsmiths College, Professor Stuart Hall Building, London, SE14 6NW.</strong></em> This conference will examine the implementation of PREVENT and the Prevent duty across different sectors since the passing of the Counter-terrorism and Security Act 2015. It aims to build on the growing opposition to the duty which has seen lecturers, teachers, lawyers, students, and community organisations come together and call for the act to be repealed. <p class="x_x_MsoNormal">The conference has been initiated by Students Not Suspects campaign, and a coalition of individuals and organisations including signatories to the public letter of opposition to PREVENT in the Guardian earlier this year:  <em><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Prevent isn’t making anyone safer. It is demonising Muslims and damaging the fabric of trust in society</a></strong></em></p> &nbsp; <h3> Conference Programme:</h3> &nbsp; <strong>11-12.30 Opening Plenary</strong> – <strong>PREVENT, Islamophobia and Civil Liberties</strong> <em>Facilitated by <strong>Nadine Almanasfi,</strong> President KCLSU</em> <strong>–       Arun Kundnani</strong> <em>author, The Muslims are Coming </em> <strong>–       Rahmaan Mohammadi,</strong> student, ‘<em>Palestine badge case’</em> <strong>–       Gareth Peirce,</strong> <em>human rights lawyer</em> <strong>–       Malia Bouattia,</strong> <em>NUS Black Students’ Campaign</em> &nbsp; <strong>12.30-1.45pm Sessions:</strong> <ol> <li><strong>PREVENT and the assault on learning</strong></li> </ol> <em>Facilitated by <strong>Nadine El-Enany,</strong> Educators Not Informants</em> –       <strong>Alex Kenny,</strong> <em>NUT Executive </em> –       <strong>Ifhat Smith,</strong><em> parent of ‘eco-terrorism’ case</em> –       <strong>AbdoolKarim Vakil,</strong> <em>Kings College London</em> –       <strong>Shelly Asquith, </strong><em>NUS VP Welfare</em> &nbsp; <ol start="2"> <li><strong>A Lost Decade – What is PREVENT preventing?</strong></li> </ol> <em>Facilitated by <strong>Gholam Khiabany,</strong> Goldsmiths College</em> –       <strong>Arun Kundnani, </strong><em>author</em> –       <strong>Rizwaan Sabir,</strong> <em>Liverpool John Moores University</em> –       <strong>Liz Fekete,</strong> <em>Institute of Race Relations</em> –       <strong>Jahan Mahmood, </strong><em>former Home Office counter terrorism adviser</em> &nbsp; <ol start="3"> <li><strong>PREVENT as an attack on dissent</strong></li> </ol> <em>Facilitated by <strong>Kevin Blowe,</strong> NETPOL</em> –       <strong>David Miller,</strong> <em>Spinwatch</em> –       <strong>Karma Nabulsi,</strong> <em>Oxford University</em> –       <strong>Rachel H,</strong> <em>Defend the Right to Protest</em> –       <strong>Chris Nineham,</strong> <em>Stop the War Coalition</em> &nbsp; <ol start="4"> <li><strong>PREVENT, Islamophobia and the stigmatisation of Muslim women</strong></li> </ol> <em>Facilitated by <strong>Rup Pahar, </strong>London Campaign Against Police and State Violence (LCAPSV)</em> – <strong>      Mariya Hussain, </strong><em>KCLSU VP Education-elect</em> –        <strong>Zlakha</strong><strong> Ahmed,</strong><strong> </strong><em>Apna Haq </em> –  <strong>     Amrit Wilson, </strong><em>South Asia Solidarity Group</em> &nbsp; <strong>1.45-2.15 Lunch break</strong> &nbsp; <strong>2.15pm – 3.45pm Sessions: Getting organised</strong> <strong> </strong> <ol> <li><strong>Legal Strategies and know your rights –</strong></li> </ol> <em>Facilitated by <strong>Milly Williamson, </strong>Brunel UCU</em> <strong>Haras Ahmed,</strong> <em>Prevent Watch</em> <strong>Vajahat Sharif,</strong><em> criminal litigator &amp; Bindmans consultant</em> <em><strong> </strong></em> <ol start="2"> <li><strong>HE –making our opposition effective</strong></li> </ol> Facilitated by <em><strong>Noha A</strong><strong>bou El Magd,</strong> Bristol SU</em> –        <strong>Patricia McManus,</strong> <em>UCU NEC</em> –        <strong>Shuwanna Aaron,</strong> <em>Edinburgh University</em> –        <strong>Des Freedman,</strong> <em>Goldsmiths UCU</em> –<strong>       Yusuf Hassan,</strong> <em>FOSIS</em> <strong> </strong> <ol start="3"> <li><strong>Connecting together – Building community and regional networks</strong></li> </ol> Facilitated by <strong>Waqas Tufail,</strong> <em>Leeds Beckett University</em> –    <strong>   Irfan Raja,</strong> <em>Waltham Forest Council of Mosques</em> –<strong>       Rob Ferguson,</strong> <em>Newham Stand up to Racism</em> –<strong>       Caroline Russell,</strong> <em>Green Party Councilor</em> –       <strong>Samayya Afzal,</strong> <em>Women’s and Liberation Officer Bradford University</em> <strong> </strong> <ol start="4"> <li><strong>Defending health, welfare and equalities from the security state</strong></li> </ol> Facilitated by <strong>Rachel Williams,</strong> KCLSU <em>VP Welfare and Community </em> – <strong>      Dereck Summerfield, </strong><em>BJPsych Bulletin</em> – <strong>      Suman Fernando, </strong><em>Royal College of Psychiatrists</em> –  <strong>     Dr Siema Iqbal</strong>, <em>GP, Manchester</em> –       Health student <em>tbc</em> <strong> </strong> <strong>4pm-5.30pm PREVENT, Islamophobia and Institutional Racism</strong> Facilitated by <strong>Hannah Dee,</strong> <em>Defend the Right to Protest/Students Not Suspects</em> –     <strong>  Arzu Merali,</strong><em> Islamic Human Rights Commission</em> –   <strong>    Maz Saleem,</strong> <em>daughter of late Mohammed Saleem</em> –  <strong>     Dr Jim Wolfreys</strong>, KCL <em>author Republic of Islamophobia: The Rise of Respectable Racism in France (forthcoming 2017)</em> <strong>Moazzam Begg,</strong> <em>Former Guantanamo prisoner and Outreach Director CAGE</em> <strong>Yasser Louati, </strong><em>Collective Against Islamophobia in France</em> <strong>Yasmin Qureshi,</strong> <em>MP Bolton South East</em> &nbsp; <hr /> <h5>Please share and help promote the conference</h5> <hr /> &nbsp;

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Prevent, Islamophobia and Civil Liberties national conference
Prevent, Islamophobia and Civil Liberties national conference